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ECD/DCE Edizioni a confronto-Comparing Editions 27 marzo - Round Table
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ECD/DCE Edizioni a confronto-Comparing Editions 27 marzo |
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Laura Ciancio (ICCU - Internet Culturale) is a Librarian-Director-Coordinator at Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information (ICCU) – MiBACT. During the 1990s, she cured the informatic recovery of music catalogue and participated in the elaboration of the SBN-Musica cataloguing software. In particular, she edited the field of libretto, holding courses and writing publications. In 2002, she became national coordinator for digitisation projects in the musical field, developping the ReMI project (a musical digital database) and elaborating projects, tenders and realizations of digital music collections. In 2004, she manages digital repository MagTeca and the evolution. In 2009, she became Area Manager for the development of digitizing services and for access to documents. She is also manager of Internet Culturale portal and digital repository TDI (Teca Digitale Italiana), coordinates Internet Culturale's projects, the maintenance and evolution of the architecture of Internet Culturale and the development of the software applications relating to the digital activities, holds workshops concerning the digital field for private and public Institutions, and writes articles for trade magazines.
Domenico Fiormonte is currently a lecturer in the Sociology of Communication and Culture at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Roma Tre. In 1992 he founded an electronic archive of contemporary literary authors, which culminated in the launch in 1996 of the first online resource focusing on textual variation, the Digital Variants Archive (www.digitalvariants.org). In 1998 he founded and organized a seminar series on the “Computer, literature and philology”. He has edited or co-edited three collections of digital humanities and is also the author of one of the first volumes on digital philology published in Europe, Scrittura e filologia nell’era digitale (Turin, Bollati Boringhieri, 2003), and, with Teresa Numerico and Francesca Tomasi, of L’umanista digitale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010. With Paolo Sordi he founded in 2000 the first Italian blog on digital humanities: http://infolet.it/. He was “scientist-in-charge” on behalf of DigiLab La Sapienza for the DiXiT Marie Curie training network (http://dixit.uni-koeln.de), and is presently member of the executive committees of the Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas International Association, and the Global Outlook Digital Humanities initiative. His current research interests are moving towards the creation of new tools and methodologies for promoting the dialogue between the Sciences and the Humanities (http://www.newhumanities.org).
Emilio Russo (Reggio Calabria, 1970) studied at the University of Rome "La Sapienza"; he was a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago (2000); after a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Padova (2001-2003), he taught at the Universities of Basel and Freiburg (CH). Since May 2011 he teaches at the Sapienza University of Rome. He is director of "L'Ellisse. Studi storici di letteratura italiana" (2006-), member of direction of "Filologia e Critica" (2012-), and he's in the Scientific Committee of "Studi tassiani" (2010-). He is also: co-director, with Matteo Motolese, of the project "Autografi dei letterati italiani" (2006-), member of the Executive Council and the Scientific Committee of the "Centro Pio Rajna" (2008-) and member of the Scientific Committee of the editorial series "Bites" (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura) (2012-).
Pasquale Stoppelli was full professor in Italian Philology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. His research activity initially concentrated on edition of literary texts of the 15th and 16th centuries. Other research interests are: attributive philology and textual bibliography, an area of study he has helped to forster in Italy. A recent philological interest is the theatre of Machiavelli. In the field of lexicography he designed and coordinated the preparation and the continual updating of the Grande dizionario Garzanti della lingua italiana, 1987-2005, and directed the Dizionario Garzanti dei Sinonimi e dei Contrari, 1991. From 1990 to 2003 he has been principally concerned with the use of the computer in relation to literary texts, producing a number of articles on the relationship between literature, philology and new technologies.
Francesca Tomasi is assistant professor in ‘Systems of Information Elaboration’ at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies at the University of Bologna. Her research is focused on digital humanities, in particular on scholarly editions management, in the context of libraries and historical archives, with a focus on metadata standards, controlled vocabularies and ontologies in the field of cultural heritage improvement, enhancement and dissemination. She is member of different scientific committees of associations (in particular vice-president of AIUCD – Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale), centers and journals. She is President of the BDU (Biblioteca di Discipline Umanistiche), the library of the School of Humanities in the University of Bologna. She attended a lot of conferences in the digital humanities domain as both invited lecturer and speaker in international meeting (among them: DocEng, TEI, IRCDL, DH, TPDL). She wrote about 70 papers, mostly in peer-review journal (http://www.unibo.it/docenti/francesca.tomasi > pubblicazioni). She is editor of a digital edition (Vespasiano da Bisticci, Letters: http://vespasianodabisticciletters.unibo.it) and author of some books. Betweeen them: Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Carocci, Roma 2008 and, with D. Fiormonte, e T. Numerico, L’umanista digitale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2010.